
Products developed by Brainstrom Technologies

AC Fan Regulator and Light Dimmer

It is a new product from Brainstorm Technologies and it is an AC fan regulator and a light dimmer. It…

3 years ago

How to Build DMX512 Fixture Using Arduino Nano & MAX485 IC

It is about how to make DMX512 Fixture Using Arduino to Control the Stepper Motor. We have controlled the Stepper…

4 years ago

I2C Relay Board, 8-Channel, Arduino Controlled

This is 8-channel I2c Relay Board, It is a fully optically isolated. It is very easy to use with different…

4 years ago

ESP-12E, ESP-12F and ESP-07 Programmer Module

Brainstorm Technologies has developed a programmer for ESP8266 based modules ESP-12E, ESP-12F and ESP-07. By using this programmer the Code/Programme…

4 years ago

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