Brainstorm Technologies has developed the 8-channel I2c Relay Board, It is a fully optically isolated relay board. The microcontroller side and the relay coil power supply side are fully isolated using optocouplers, Even the GND planes of both the sides are separate to provide full isolation.
This board is using the MCP23008 IC to make it I2C Controlled Relay Board. by using only 2 PINs SCL and SDA of microcontroller, maximum 64 relays can be controlled this is possible due to the onboard addressing DIP switch. by changing the 3 pole DIP switch we can address up to 8 relay board and each relay board having 8 relays so total 64 relays can be controlled.

This relay board is very easy to use will different microcontroller board like Arduino, ESP or Raspberry Pi. The main Features of this relay board is as under
- Fully Optically Isolated
- Works on I2C so by using only 2 Pins of Microcontroller you can control maximum 64 Relays
- Easily Addressable DIP switch on board
- 5V Relay Coil voltage
- General Purpose Switching with 10-Amp Relays
- MCP23008 I2C Controlled Mechanical SPDT Relays
- Additional I2C Output Port for Adding Sensors, Controllers, or More Relays
- It can work with both 3.3V and 5V microcontrollers
- Compatible with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP
- Easy to use
As described above that this I2C Relay Board is using MCP23008. It’s Address can be configured by using DIP switch for the pin A0, A1 and A2. Addressing details are shown in the table below

Moreover, this board is providing complete optical isolation. Both the relay power supply and the microcontroller power supply is completely isolated. Even the ground plan is also isolated. The circuit diagram to show optical isolation is here

In addition of all above the demonstration, working and all other details are explained in this video
Click here to download the Sample Code
Click here to download the Arduino Library
if you are interested in buying this I2C relay board the direct Link to buy this Product is given below